3 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade

3 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade 1
3 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade 23 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade 33 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade 4

Table of Contents

You may have seen some mentions of HedgeTrade in the crypto news recently. All of a sudden, people say, the HEDG token has come out of nowhere and has been making steady strides toward crypto’s top twenty. People may be thinking it’s a good time to learn how to acquire or earn HEDG tokens…

The reality is that the HedgeTrade team has been working diligently for several years to bring a new kind of social trading platform to life. It lifted off in December of 2019 as we released our Beta. Since then, we’ve had over 800 people sign up to start using HedgeTrade. And more people are trading, buying, selling and earning HEDG tokens.

Today we focus on that last bit – earning HEDG. We’re pleased to have three distinct ways to earn on our HedgeTrade tokenized app. All of them add value to the ecosystem as a whole. 

Those three ways are:

  1. Selling Prediction Blueprints and earning HEDG when you are correct.
  2. Buying trade predictions that end up being wrong – you get your money back plus a share in the lost stake if you’re one of the first seven buyers. 
  3. Joining our Affiliate Program to earn when trade predictions close.

Now, let’s get into the nitty gritty of how to actually earn HEDG tokens in these three different ways!

#1 – Earning HEDG by selling prediction Blueprints

This method of earning HEDG is the primary focus of our social trading platform. Experienced traders share their advice with new traders seeking to mimic their trades. Here’s how it works:

A trader can create a Prediction Blueprint on the HedgeTrade platform. 

  • They choose which exchange
  • Select from a number of trading pairs
  • Enter the entry and exit price
  • Give it an expiration date
  • Choose their stake. The purchase price is based on a percentage of the stake. 

Now they can publish the Blueprint and other traders can see it in the marketplace and purchase it using HEDG tokens or bitcoin. 

how to earn hedg on the blueprint marketplace

HedgeTrade Blueprint Marketplace

After publishing the prediction Blueprint, some information is hidden away. Those that buy it can unlock the details so they can make the same trade on their own exchange account.

HedgeTrade Blueprints are powered by a smart contract. So the stake for each Blueprint automatically distributes the stake when the prediction closes. 

There are three possible Blueprint outcomes:

  1. If the prediction was correct, the trader gets their stake back plus the proceeds from all the Blueprint sales (minus a small commission). 
  2. If the prediction was incorrect, the stake goes to the first seven Blueprint purchasers (minus a small commission).
  3. Sometimes a prediction price never hits entry, meaning the starting price was never attained to get the trade started. In this case, the Blueprint closes “Neutral” and the stake goes back to the Blueprint creator minus the commission.

Here’s what a prediction Blueprint looks like on the HedgeTrade platform:

3 Ways to Earn HEDG Tokens on HedgeTrade 5

Once another trader VIEWs and then PURCHASEs your Blueprint, they can unlock the details, which will look something like this:

earn hedg tokens by posting correct predictions

For more information on earning HEDG tokens through creating and publishing prediction Blueprints, see our video:

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#2 – How to earn HEDG tokens when a trader is wrong

This aspect is truly unique among social trading platforms. We have literally hard coded accountability onto our platform using blockchain technology! If you are an aspiring trader doing all you can to not to get rekt, the HedgeTrade platform has got you covered. 

You can follow some of crypto’s top traders, according to our proprietary algorithm and blockchain verified data. By buying one of their Blueprints, you gain access to their trading strategies. .

But when you buy a Blueprint prediction that turns out to be wrong, you actually get your money back. And the second great way to earn HEDG tokens is by being one of the first 7 buyers of the Blueprint. Those lucky seven will share the stake (after a small commission). 

So while you want to obviously find the best trade information that will increase your profitability, when you’re first starting out, HedgeTrade provides a place to earn even when a prediction goes south. When that happens, you’ll get your money back for buying the Blueprint, and a little bonus from the stake if you’re an early buyer. 

More ways to bring traders together

This is another way of encouraging interaction between our newer traders and the experts. The pros are held accountable. So those that rise to the top really have the data behind them. As they rise in the rankings through accurate forecasting, their viewability in the marketplace automatically increases.

On the other end, newbies can gradually learn from the best with a new and unique way to hedge their bets. They can also be assured because the cream of the crop on the HedgeTrade marketplace is blockchain verified.

Whenever traders are incorrect in their predictions, the first seven buyers of each Blueprint will see a payout in their Debit/Credit History, which represents their share in the stake:

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#3 – Become an Affiliate

HedgeTrade’s Affiliate Program is beneficial to the platform in several major ways. Not only does it give our users an additional way to earn HEDG, it also helps grow our audience and build community. 

Getting started on the program is very easy. Once you’re signed into the app, simply click on Settings and you’ll see your Affiliate Link:

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Then you can give your Affiliate Link to your followers or post it on your social media accounts. When people sign up to HedgeTrade using your link, you’ll earn HEDG tokens – to be exact, 30% of the HedgeTrade commission for each Blueprint closed by your Affiliate. For additional details on the program, see our article, or refer to the infographic below:

earn hedg tokens with affiliate program

Earning HEDG – What’s next?

Why is now a good time to talk about ways to earn HEDG tokens? For one, HEDG recently made CoinTelegraph’s weekly top twenty. We’ve also been partnering with influencers like CryptoWendyO to spread the word about our unique platform, built for traders, by traders.

As the team continues to grow and improve the platform, and our marketing team prepares for going public, we hope you’ll join us and see what all the buzz is about. If you haven’t already, head over to our Twitter to follow us and DM us for an invite code to start with HedgeTrade today!

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